WARM Treasures is on Instagram

🎉We are excited to share that the WARM Treasures Thrift Store is now on Instagram! 📸 🎉

We want to make a difference as a nonprofit organization and are extending our journey to Instagram. We will bring you closer to our heartwarming stories, unique treasures, and incredible community. From unique thrift store finds to heartwarming success stories, you can expect a lot of warmth and inspiration from our page. 🧡

But we can't do this without your support! Help us build a thriving online community by hitting that "Follow" button, liking our posts, and sharing your thoughts in the comments. Together, we can spread love, hope, and positivity one post at a time.

Follow us on Instagram @warmtreasures1


WARM Pantry Needs - October


Pantry Needs - Hunger Action Month